The Sabbath and how it relates to us today
The Sabbath Defined -This page defines the Sabbath.
Who was the Sabbath created for? -This page shows who the Sabbath was created for.
The law and the commandments. -This page identifies some differences between the Law and the Commandments.
Sabbath Objections -This page identifies and discusses the objections that some Christians have to keeping the Sabbath.
Times and Laws -This page shows how the Bible foretold that some would try to change the Sabbath.
Friends and Family -This page discusses what may happen to friends and family who die not observing the Sabbath.
The Lord's day -This page discusses the Lord's day as defined by the Bible.
The Jewish Sabbath -This page discusses whether the Sabbath is really only for Israel and the Jews.
The Greatest Gift Ever Stolen -This page discusses how the Sabbath gift is being stolen from mankind by religion and society.