Free facebook Cover Images
Time Line Cover Images
These images may be used for free as long as the image, including the copyright information remains unaltered.
To use one of these pictures as your cover photo on timeline:
1. Right click on the image that you want.
2. Click "save picture as"
3. Choose where you want to save the image on your computer and click "save". Note the location where you saved the image.
4. Log into facebook and go to your profile page where your timeline image will be displayed.
5. Place your mouse pointer over your timeline image. A small white box will appear with the words "change cover". Click that white box.
6. Next click the option "upload photo". Choose the location where you saved the image to your computer and click "open". The image will upload to your profile, then click "save changes".
The images are all perfectly sized for your timeline cover photo, so you will not need to "reposition cover".

Sin no more.

Take time to smell the flowers.


Lie down in green pastures.

Dwell together in unity.